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Disclosure Statement


Please be advised that MK Doc Prep is solely a document preparation company. Our primary function is to assist clients by preparing the necessary documents required for a complete loan modification package. It is important for clients to understand the scope and limitations of document preparation, as outlined below:


      1. ​Document Preparation: MK Doc Prep specializes in the preparation of documents necessary for clients to apply for a loan modification. Our role is confined to ensuring that these documents are accurately and professionally prepared, aligning with the requirements for a loan modification application. MK Doc Prep is solely a document preparation company and does not submit documents to any financial institutions, offer legal or financial advice, or negotiate with lenders."


   2. No Submission Services: MK Doc Prep does not undertake the submission of loan modification applications to mortgage lenders. Our work concludes with the preparation of your loan modification package. The responsibility of submitting this package to your mortgage lender rests solely with you, the client. We do not charge any fees for the submission process, as it is not a part of the services we offer.


    3. Client Responsibility: Once the loan modification package is prepared, it is the client's obligation to ensure that this package is submitted to their mortgage lender. MK Doc Prep does not engage in any part of the submission process. MK Doc Prep will not prepare or provide financial documents, tax returns, or any other documents that would be considered legal or financial services on behalf of the Client."


     4. No Government Affiliation: MK Doc Prep is not associated with the government, and our service is not approved by the government or your lender. There is no guarantee that the loan modification you apply for will be approved or will significantly improve your financial situation.​ 


           5. Stop Doing Business : You have the right to stop doing business with us at any time. If you do so before document preparation begins, you’ll receive a full refund. However, no refund will be given once work has started."


  6. Not Paying Mortgage: If you stop paying your mortgage, it could lead to the loss of your home and damage to your credit score.


        7. Free Of Charge Services: Free-of-charge services assisting with loan modifications are available from government agencies, such as HUD. You may contact them to find a HUD-certified housing counselor in your area. These services are available at no cost to you and could provide you with information and assistance in dealing with your lender.


        8. For-Profit Nature: It is expressly stated that MK Doc Prep operates as a for-profit entity, offering document preparation to clients seeking assistance with loan modifications.


This disclosure clarifies the nature of the work provided by MK Doc Prep. By engaging with MK Doc Prep, you acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this disclosure.

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 Behind On Your Mortgage Or Facing Foreclosure? We Prepare Loan Modification Documents For You & Help Get You Approved.
1800 Vine St, Hollywood, Ca 90028
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